New Cellars, Pembroke College: see this page for a map: Pembroke Players. This is in Trumpington Street, postcode CB2 1RF.
Trinity Squash Courts are in Grange Road, close to the junction with Adams Road. Please see the map link to map, the building is ringed.
The fee structure for this term is
All of the instructors are black-belts. Many of them have considerable experience in teaching, and either represent or have represented Cambridge in competitions. During the vacations periods, outside the University term there is always at least one taught session a week.
The Club's chief instructor is Sensei Ken Hori, 6th Dan. Sensei Ken usually takes the general Sunday sessions intended for all members.
Basics sessions have an emphasis on kihon. They are especially suitable for beginners but everyone else is also welcome. Kumite sessions involve no-contact drills and conditioning exercises.
IMPORTANT: For insurance reasons you will need a valid JSKE licence in order to train at CUKC. You are welcome to hold licences from other associations as well as the KUGB, but such licences alone are not sufficent to train at CUKC.