Biannual competition between the squads of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Grand Slam 2017
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On Saturday 25th February the KUGB grand slam event took place featuring KUGB teams from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
Herve Vandekerckhove and Marcus Ingham were selected to represent England in Kumite and Kata respectively.
Marcus unfortunately met ex World champion Jack Sommers in the first round and although he performed well Jack's kata triumphed and he went on to win the event.
Herve fought very successfully in the senior men's individual kumite, finishing in joint third place overall and he was selected to fight in the team kumite event against Wales. In his match Herve attacked from the start with his trade mark kizami tsuki, maewashi geri combination which earned him a full ippon and the match within the first 30 seconds. England beat Wales convincingly 5 - 0.
Congratulations to both on a fine performance
Both Herve and Marcus will be competing in the Central Regions on March 11th.