Each year the club organises an internal competition, with the hoping of getting people who've never competed before to give it a go.
CUKC held its annual club competition on Sunday, 2nd November, at the Fenner's Indoor Cricket School. We had a short training session first, and once everyone was warmed up, we moved on to an exciting line-up of kata performances and kumite matches.
The competition was judged by our Chief instructor, Sensei Richard Poole, together with Sensei Ken Hori, Sensei Malcolm Howlett, Sensei Tiina Pajuste and Sensei Jacus De Beer.
The full results are below. Special mention goes out to Jorda Xavier, Jaan Toots and Greg Wallace for participating in their very first Karate competition!
There were categories for kata, ippon kumite and ju kumite. The full event results are:
Mixed Kyu Grade Kata
1. Karol Fiedorczuk
2. Andre Holzer
3. Sebastian Mueller
Mixed Dan Grade Kata
1. Scott Ang
2. Paul Smith
3. Georgia Poole
Mixed Kyu Grade Ippon Kumite
1. Karol Fiedorczuk
2. Daniel Malz
3. Greg Wallace
Women's All Grade Ju Kumite
1. Amy Oliver
2. Amy Hall
3. Elisabeth Kerr
Men's Kyu Grade Ju Kumite
1. Daniel Malz
2. Sebastian Mueller
3. Greg Wallace
Men's Dan Grade Ju Kumite
1. Paul Smith
2. Scott Ang
3. Jonathan Sinclair-Williams
The Alvaro Angeriz Award
Alvaro was a much loved member of the club who began his training in CUKC and was awarded an honorary dan grade posthumously following his death from complications after a bone marrow transplant. The Alvaro Angeriz trophy was awarded to the best individual performer, Karol Fiedorczuk, who was champion in the Mixed Kyu Grade Kata and Mixed Kyu Grade Ippon Kumite. Well done Karol!
Congratulations to everyone for a wonderful performance today! Many thanks to our judges and anyone who came to support the competition. Special thanks also goes out to Jane Blunt and our newest member of the club, Esther Kang, who helped count scores and keep time.
We hope to see everyone continue to strive for excellence through hard work and discipline in training.
Scott Ang
CUKC Men's Captain